6 minute read

C# is a general-purpose, type-safe, object-oriented programming language.

C# Basic Syntax

Hello, world! Example


The Console.WriteLine() method is used to print text to the console.

Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");

string myName = "Yun";
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, world! {myName}!");  // {} allows you to
                                                // add variable in the string.


The Console.ReadLine() method is used to get user input.

Console.WriteLine("Enter your name: ");
string? name = Console.ReadLine();  // The ? symbol makes the name variable nullable

Data Types and Variables

C# is a type-safe language. When variables are declared it is necessary to define their data type. Types are categorized as Value or Reference by definition, but not its usage.

int (integer)

int a = 5;

bool (boolean)

bool b = true;

string (text)

string myName = "FirstName FamilyName";

float, double, and decimal (real number)

The type of a real literal is determined by its suffix: The literal without suffix or with the d or D suffix is of type  double. The literal with the f or F suffix is of type float. The literal with the m or M suffix is of type decimal.

Console.WriteLine("Using doubles:");
double a = 0.1;
double b = 0.2;
if (a + b == 0.3)
    Console.WriteLine($"{a} + {b} equals 0.3");
    Console.WriteLine($"{a} + {b} does NOT equal 0.3");

What is the difference between these two code pieces?

Console.WriteLine("Using decimals:");
decimal c = 0.1M; // M suffix means a decimal literal value
decimal d = 0.2M;
if (c + d == 0.3M)
    Console.WriteLine($"{c} + {d} equals 0.3");
    Console.WriteLine($"{c} + {d} does NOT equal 0.3");

Using array to Store Multiple Variables

// Declare an integer array of length 3 without setting the values.
int[] integers = new int[3];

// `numbers` array that stores 3 integers
int[] numbers = { 3, 14, 59 };

// 'characters' array that stores 3 strings
string[] characters = new string[] { "Nana", "Coffee", "Kiwi" };

// 2D array
int[,] twoDArray = new int[4, 2];


var = 1+2;
var totalPrice = subTotal + salesTax;   // ambigious, can be float, double, or decimal
                                        // based on the types of subTotal and  salesTax.

null value

int myNum = 4;
int? yourNum = null;  // yourNum can be empty.


// A self-defined type that contains ten cat types
enum WorldCatTypes

Using Operators (Symbolic Version of Methods)

Equality Operators

int a = 5;
int b = 10;
Console.WriteLine(a == b);  // Return and print "false" because a is not equal to b.

Arithmetic Operators

int result = 0;   // initialization
result = 10 + 5;  // addition operator
result = 10 - 5;  // subtraction operator
result = 10 * 5;  // multiplication operator
result = 10 / 5;  // division operator
result = 10 % 5;  // modulo operator (returns the remainder)

Unary Operators

int a = 10;
a++; // a = a+1
a--; // a = a-1

Logical Operators Doc

bool b = false || true; // true;

Comparison/Relational Operators

string f = "first";
Console.WriteLine(f == "first");

int x = 10;
Console.WriteLine(x < 15);  // Return and print "true" because 10 is less than 15.
Console.WriteLine(x < 5);   // Return and print "false" because 10 is larger than 5.

Bitwise Operators Doc

uint a = 0b_1010_0000;  // 0b tells the compiler that a is a binary literal
uint b = 0b_1001_0001;  // _ is used as a digit separator.
                        // 0b_1010_0000 is equal to 0b10100000, just easier to read.
uint c = a | b;
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(c, toBase: 2));
// Output:
// 10110001

Conditional Control (Selection)

if Statements / if and else / if and ilse if

int num = 10;

// if statement
if (num == 10)
    Console.WriteLine("Yes, the num is 10.");

// if and else statement
if (num == 10)
    Console.WriteLine("Yes, the num is 10.");
    Console.WriteLine("No, the num is not 10.");

// if and else if statement
if (num == 10)
    Console.WriteLine("Yes, the num is 10.");
else if (num == 20)
    Console.WriteLine("Yes, the num is 20.");
    Console.WriteLine("No, the num is neither 10 nor 20.");


int num = 2;

void DisplayNum(double num)
    switch (num)
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
            Console.WriteLine("3 or 4");
        case 5:
            goto case 1;  // jump
        default:  // Usually for debug purpose.
            Console.WriteLine($"The num is {num}.");

Conditional Control (Repetition/Iteration)


while (x > 5)
  // Do something here.


    // Do something here at least once.
} while (x > 5);


// for( initializer; condition; iterator )
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    // Do something here.

int[] numbers = { 3, 14, 59 };
for(int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
    // Do something here.


var fibNumbers = new List<int> { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 };
foreach (int element in fibNumbers)
    Console.Write($"{element} ");
// Output:
// 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13

C# Jump Statements Doc

Collatz Conjecture as an example

using System;

namespace CollatzConjecture
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Please input a positive number:");

            int? num = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (num == null || num <= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the number should be larger than 1!");

            int steps = 0;
            while (num != 1)
                steps += 1;
                if (num % 2 == 0)
                    num = num / 2;
                    num = num * 3 + 1;

            if (num == 1)
                Console.WriteLine($"Oh yeah, we reach 1 with {steps} steps!");

Using Methods

A method is a code block that contains a series of statements.

Variables Inside Methods (The Scope of Methods)

Parameters and variables declared inside of a method can be only used under the scope of the method.

using System;

namespace MyBusiness
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Any of the following are valid method calls.
            AddSomeNumbers(1);          // Returns 6.
            AddSomeNumbers(1, 1);       // Returns 4.
            AddSomeNumbers(3, 3, 3);    // Returns 9.

            a = 10; // compile error!

        static int AddSomeNumbers(int x, int y = 3, int z = 2)
            int a = 5;
            return x + y + z + a;

Return Type

using System;

namespace MyBusiness
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Any of the following are valid method calls.
            AddSomeNumbers(1);          // Returns 6.
            AddSomeNumbers(1, 1);       // Returns 4.
            AddSomeNumbers(3, 3, 3);    // Returns 9.


        // return int
        static int AddSomeNumbers(int x, int y = 3, int z = 2)
            int a = 5;
            return x + y + z + a;

        // return void, nothing to return
        static void PrintMyName(string myName)
          Console.WriteLine($"My name is {myName}.");

Optional Parameters

using System;

namespace MyBusiness
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Any of the following are valid method calls.
            AddSomeNumbers(1);          // Returns 6.
            AddSomeNumbers(1, 1);       // Returns 4.
            AddSomeNumbers(3, 3, 3);    // Returns 9.

        Main: The class of my main program, where the application begins.
          x: int
          y: int, optional
          z: int, optional
        static int AddSomeNumbers(int x, int y = 3, int z = 2)
            return x + y + z;

System Methods

Math.Sqrt() is a Math class method to calculate the square root of a value. “.” operator allows us to access a method of a class.

$ 3

Method Declaration

In C#, a method declaration includes

OptionalModifier ReturnType TheMethodName( ParameterType parameterName )

Also note that return only takes one parameter.

Call by Value vs. Call by Reference

Passing parameters in a method can be done by deep copying or referencing.

using System;

namespace MyBusiness
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int number = 4;
            // Output: 4

            SquareRef(ref number);
            // Output: 16

        SquareVal: square a number.
          num: int
        static void SquareVal(int num)
            num *= num; // num = num * num

        SquareVal: square a number.
          num: ref int
        static void SquareRef(ref int num)
            num *= num; // num = num * num
$ 4
$ 16

Selected Theory

Recursion vs. Iteration

Factorial of a Given Number can be implemented using Recursion or Iteration.

using System;

namespace MyBusiness
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int num = 5;
            Console.WriteLine("Factorial of " + num +
                              " using Recursion is: " +

            Console.WriteLine("Factorial of " + num +
                              " using Iteration is: " +

        SquareVal: find factorial of given number.
          num: int
        static int FactorialUsingRecursion(int n)
            if (n == 0)
                return 1;

            // recursion call
            return n * FactorialUsingRecursion(n - 1);

        SquareVal: find factorial of given number.
          num: ref int
        static int FactorialUsingIteration(int n)
            int res = 1;

            // using iteration
            for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
                res *= i;

            return res;
$ Factorial of 5 using Recursion is: 120
$ Factorial of 5 using Iteration is: 120
