C# CheatSheet
C# CheatSheet is a website storing teaching material for c# development.
C# Environment Setup
- Visual Studio 2019, 2022: .Net 6, support Class Diagram
- Visual Studio Code: .Net 5, support PUML Class Diagram
- Visual Studio 2022: not yet support
- Visual Studio 2019: .Net 5, support Class Diagram
- Visual Studio Code: .Net 5, .Net 6, support PUML Class Diagram (tested on Mojave)
- Visual Studio Code: .Net 5, support PUML Class Diagram (not yet tested)
Install IDE and .NET Framework
CSharp to PlantUML (For Visual Studio Code Users)
- CSharp to PlantUML
- Install
$ dotnet tool install --global PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator
- Use
$ puml-gen ./Program.cs -public
- Copy the text from *.puml and visualize using PUML Viewer
First Program
$ dotnet --info // check the version installed in your system
$ dotnet new console
In Program.cs
using System;
namespace MyBusiness
class Program
static void Main(string[] args) // Where the application begins
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
// Equal to System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
In MyBusiness.csproj Doc
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
How to Check the .Net Version
$ dotnet --version
How to Build the Program
$ dotnet build
How to Run the Program (Including Build)
$ dotnet run
using System; // System namespace (defined by C#)
// The "using" Directive
namespace MyBusiness // Application namespace (defined by the programmer)
class Program
// static: shared method of all instances by the class
// void: return "nothing" in the method
// string[] args: parameters passed to the main function.
// The parameters can be taken when lauching the application.
static void Main(string[] args) // Where the application begins
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // Console is a system class
using static System.Console; // Console is a static system class
A static class is basically the same as a non-static class,
but there is one difference: a static class cannot be instantiated.
namespace MyBusiness // Application namespace (defined by the programmer)
class Program
// static: shared method of all instances by the class
// void: return "nothing" in the method
// string[] args: parameters passed to the main function.
// The parameters can be taken when lauching the application.
static void Main(string[] args) // Where the application begins
WriteLine("Hello World!");
Selected Theory
Naming Convention Doc
Pascal Case
Use pascal casing (“PascalCasing”) when naming a class, record, or struct. When naming public members of types, such as fields, properties, events, methods, and local functions, use pascal casing. When naming an interface, use pascal casing in addition to prefixing the name with an I. This clearly indicates to consumers that it’s an interface.
Camel Case
Use camel casing (“camelCasing”) when naming private or internal fields, and prefix them with _.
// This is a single line comment
This is a multi-line comment
and continues until the end
of comment symbol is reached
The following codes show how I often add comments to my programs.
This is a my application namespace, called My Business.
namespace MyBusiness
The class of my main program
class Program
Main: The class of my main program, where the application begins.
args: input parameters
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");